Four Ingenieros Foundation Engineering Competition
Four Ingenieros Founders with the winning team - Adrian Marquez, Luis Moreno, and Daryl Delgado
On Friday, May 22, 2016 the Four Ingenieros Foundation sponsored their first Engineering Competition at SBCC with the MESA, SHPE and SACNAS students. A total of three teams participated to build a speeding vehicle that protected an egg when falling from a height of 25 feet. We evaluated many different designs with balloons, parachutes, and styrofoam enclosures. Only one team succeeded in landing and traveling to the first checkpoint with a secure payload. Congratulations to Luis Moreno, Adrian Marquez, and Daryl Delgado. The winners will have the privilege to permanently have their names engraved on the Four Ingenieros Engineering Competition plaque. This starts a new tradition of education, participation and student excellence.